Page 108 - European-Tours-23-24
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1. Prices • If the cancellation is made 7 to 2 days before departure: 75% of the total package price
All prices are indicated in Euro. They are per person net (except where mentioned otherwise) on the basis of a double room and include all • If the cancellation is made 1 day before departure, the day of departure itself or in case of “No show”: 100% of the total package price
services mentioned. If drinks are included it means: 20 cl of wine (25 cl of wine in Austria and Corse) or 1/3 l of beer or 25 cl juice or one
mineral water (except where mentioned otherwise), per person per meal. In order to guarantee the prices a minimum number of full paying 3.3.2 In the case of a cancellation of a whole group, the following fees apply:
passengers is obligatory (according to price table). The prices are valid from 01.04.2022 – 31.10.2022 for all summer programs 2022, • If the cancellation is made more than 30 days before departure of a group for which a booking status of 20 persons or more has already
from 01.11.2022 – 31.03.2023 for all winter programs 2022/23 and from 01.04.2023 – 31.10.2023 for all summer programs 2023. been sent: 25% of the total package price
• If the cancellation is made more than 30 days before departure, for a group for which Travel Europe has not yet received any rooming list
1.1 Additional charges or if the booking status is 19 persons or less: Travel Europe reserves the right to pass on the possible costs incurred.
Some of the hotels charge additional fees during certain holiday periods, international congresses or major events (approx. 10 - 30 % of • If the cancellation is made 29 to 15 days before departure: 25 % of the total package price
the total price in addition to the original price). For stays during these periods (e.g. Formula One grand prix or European Football Champion- • If the cancellation is made 14 to 4 days before departure: 65 % of the total package price
ship) or on important congresses, Travel Europe reserves the right to modify its prices and/or booking conditions. • If the cancellation is made less than 3 days before departure: 80 % of the total package price
Short stays and overnight stops: supplements may apply for short stays up to 3 nights, which will be added to clients’ travel costs. To • If the cancellation is made 1 day prior before departure, the day of departure itself or in case of “No show”: 100% of the package price
guarantee certain complimentary services offered by the hotels (e.g. - dancing evenings with live music) a minimum stay of 4 nights is For certain particular events, e.g. New Year’s Eve, Travel Europe reserves the right to ask the Client for a deposit, which will not be refun-
necessary. dable in case of group’s cancellation. Furthermore, Travel Europe reserves the right to set deadlines and/or more important cancellation
fees for some events and specific periods.
1.2 Hotel categories
The hotel categories correspond to the official categories of the respective country. Some services related to a hotel category in a given 3.4 Strikes, unpredictable events
country may therefore not correspond to the services offered by a hotel of the same category in the country of residence. Travel Europe In the event of strikes, any other unpredictable event or events that cannot be influenced by Travel Europe, Travel Europe will try their best
reserves the right to indicate their own hotel rating if necessary. Not all activities ascribed to the hotel are guaranteed to be available at the to provide the services booked. Such incidents cannot be mentioned as a reason for the cancellation of a journey by the Client. Under no
time of travel. Hotel facilities, such as the restaurant, bar, pool, night club among others, may be closed or have variable opening hours, circumstances will Travel Europe be responsible for any caused damage.
depending on the season. Such operational decisions are at the discretion of the hotel in question, according to weather conditions, safety
requirements or occupancy rates. Therefore, no refunds can be granted by Travel Europe for this reason. 3.5 Regulations or norms issued by official authorities
In the event of a regulation or norm issued by official authorities that would complicate considerably the entry to a territory (e.g. travel
1.3 Group Concessions warnings) or increase significantly the price of the journey (e.g.: case where every second seat should be occupied in the coach), Travel
According to the program, Travel Europe can grant 1 group concession in a single room for every 20 full paying guests. No group conces- Europe reserves the right to cancel the trip. The Client also has the right to proceed to a cancellation free of charge. Travel Europe will try
sion can be granted for flights and flight programs (except where mentioned otherwise). their best to find an alternative solution, which, however, cannot be guaranteed and is not considered eligible. In the event of a cancellation
due to the circumstances mentioned above, the Client will be refunded for the amounts already paid.
1.4 Child Reductions
Children pay a reduced price for the accommodation when sharing a room with two full paying adults. No child reduction will be given 4. Payment
for other services. The following reductions apply - except where mentioned otherwise (like for example hotel accommodation in Croatia): All bank transfers have to be made net without any further charges in the favor of Travel Europe. In the case where a previous trip would
0 – 1,99 years 100% reduction not have been paid in full yet, every payment is credited towards the oldest debt on Travel Europe’s client´s account.
2 – 5,99 years 50% reduction
6 – 11,99 years 25% reduction 4.1 For the B2B Client
To receive a child reduction, the date of birth of each child has to be mentioned on every rooming list. The total cost of the trip must be paid by bank transfer, whereby the amount due is credited to Travel Europe’s accounts a minimum of
14 days before the group’s departure date.
1.5 Excursion Package Tyrol Specific conditions for B2B reservations with flight(s):
The excursion package in Tyrol can only be booked in combination with a hotel reservation. The Client is free to arrange the timings of the • In according to article 3.1: A deposit of 20% of the dossier’s total amount shall be transferred at the time of reservation. The rest of the
individual excursions in the package, but Travel Europe is also bound by availability and hours of business of our service providers with sum shall be paid 30 days before departure.
regards to the time and the day of visits. • In according to article 3.2: The dossier’s amount shall be paid 14 days before departure.
Validity of the excursion package 2022: 01.04.2022 – 31.10.2022
Validity of the excursion package 2023: 01.04.2023 – 31.10.2023 Non-compliance with the payment conditions by the Client:
Please consider that program changes may arise from the dates and hours of business of our services providers. Travel Europe employees It is expressly agreed that these conditions are binding on Travel Europe only under the condition that full payment is made by the Client
will do their best to satisfy your wishes and demands. by the due date. In the absence of full payment by the Client under the conditions set out above, Travel Europe may no longer guarantee:
- the agreed price, and reserves the right to make any adjustments necessary to operate the tour concerned, at the risk of a change in qua-
1.6 Prices for concert tickets lity of the services provided. Since, in this case, payment conditions have not been met, there will be no possible recourse for the Client.
In order to guarantee tickets for big musical events, Travel Europe may have to buy tickets in sales offices. Prices may therefore be - the execution of the tour: if the Client does not comply with Travel Europe's payment conditions, Travel Europe reserves the right to cancel
superior to the tickets’ face value. any services already reserved and invoice any costs incurred.
1.7 Catering 4.2 For the B2C Client
Travel Europe will arrange special menu sequences with all partner hotels and restaurants for the catering of the travel groups. Any A deposit of 20% of the trip’s total amount is to be paid immediately after reservation. The rest of the sum is due 20 days before departure
intolerances or food allergies of individual participants resulting in allergic reactions and medical treatment must be communicated to at the latest. The Client’s funds are fully secured in accordance with an accountability statement by the Austrian Hotel and Tourism Bank
Travel Europe before the start of the trip, at the latest when the Rooming is sent. Travel Europe will forward these details to all hotels and (Österreichische Hotel- und Tourismusbank GmbH). Claims should be forwarded to the liquidator TVA-Tourismusversicherungsagentur
restaurants involved. Any costs incurred for special meals must be paid by the participant on site. GmbH, Baumannstr.9, A-1030 Vienna, telephone: +43 1 361 90 77-0.
1.8 Variations at the exchange rate 5. Changes
Prices of all summer programs 2022 and all winter programs 2022/23 are based on the exchange rates valid on 01.05.2021. Prices of
all summer programs 2023 are based on the exchange rates valid on 01.03.2022. Travel Europe reserves the right to modify the selling 5.1 Services included in a program
price as a result of a change of the exchange rate. These modifications and their consequences on the selling price will be communicated The dates of the different excursions and night shows can be modified without altering the program’s services. Travel Europe also informs
to the Client 30 days prior departure at the latest. If Travel Europe receives no reply from the Client within 8 days after the receipt of this the Client that some changes, even of small importance, can occur in the services’ operation. All services confirmed by Travel Europe
information, the price increase is deemed to be accepted. will be provided. Furthermore, if a program cannot be carried out because of bad weather or major incidents, Travel Europe will arrange
another program, where possible.
1.9 Change of fees, taxes and entrance tickets prices
Fees and taxes related to the services offered, such as airport fees, carbon and security tax, boarding or landing taxes in ports and airports: 5.2 Optional services
Travel Europe reserves the right to increase the agreed price in case of an increase of the fees and taxes mentioned above. Any price Some of the optional services offered by Travel Europe may require a minimum number of participants (depending on the service). If this
increase decreed by the State (e.g., VAT increase) will be passed on in line with the increase. In case of a significant and unpredictable number is not achieved, Travel Europe has the right to cancel the service at short notice.
increase of entrance ticket prices of other services (e.g. Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia), Travel Europe also reserves the right to
charge the Client the amount of this price increase. 5.3 Distances (in kilometres) are only approximate indications.
1.10 Complaints 6. Administrative formalities
If, for any reason, either after departure or on site, a customer decides to forego any service included in the package, they renounce the The Client is responsible for travelling persons’ compliance with all legal and administrative requirements regardless of nationality. Travel
right to any refund or compensation from Travel Europe for said service. Europe remains at your entire disposal for any additional information required concerning the destination countries. The price of the tour
Any and all complaints regarding services booked through Travel Europe must be addressed to the company as soon as possible and / stay will not be refunded, under any circumstances, in the event of a missed departure due to non-compliance with the administrative
received by Travel Europe within 4 weeks after the end of the tour. All possible evidence (attestations from the guide or service provider, regulations or failure to provide the required documents such as passport, visa or medical certificates. Travel Europe will not be responsible
photographs etc.) must be submitted alongside any request for compensation. Failure to comply with this deadline may affect the pro- for any costs arising from failure to comply with the legal and administrative requirements in place. In the event that a participant is refused
cessing of the complaint. entry, for any reason whatsoever, into the territory of one of the countries visited while travelling with Travel Europe, the repatriation costs
(for example: plane tickets) must be paid by the participant. Any expenses incurred by Travel Europe must be refunded by the Client upon
2. Rooms presentation of the invoice.
2.1 Single bedrooms 7. Legal basis
The request for single rooms can only be fulfilled if the hotel has the availability, which is limited. Although there are price supplements Any differences, which cannot be solved by mutual agreement, will exclusively be brought before the responsible court in Innsbruck.
for single bedrooms, these rooms may be smaller than double bedrooms and do not have the same furnishing. A maximum of 10% of all Legal basis is the Austrian law.
registered persons per group can be booked in a single room. Above 10%, there is the possibility to book a double room for single use
which means that the single room supplement has to be multiplied by 2. 8. Responsability of Travel Europe
The responsibility of Travel Europe cannot replace that of the service providers, although Travel Europe is responsible for their selection. In
2.2 Twin Rooms the event that one of the providers experiences a failure in the operation of the service, Travel Europe will do everything in its power to help
Upon request, the hotels offered by Travel Europe will provide twin-bedded rooms. Nevertheless, please consider that many hotels only the Client assert his rights for any justified claim. Travel Europe cannot be held responsible for the non-operation or improper operation
have a very small number of twin rooms available and therefore the accommodation in the mentioned room cannot be guaranteed by of the service if the cause is attributable:
Travel Europe. In this case, clients will instead receive a double bed with 2 separated mattresses and their own bedcover. In such cases, - either to the Client;
no demands of compensation can be made for matters attributed to this kind of accommodation. - either to the unforeseeable fact of a third party who is not involved in the provision of the services included in the contract;
- or to a case of force majeure, in particular strike of means of transport, hotel staff, air traffic controllers, war, insurrection, riot or any
3. Specific conditions for packages without transportation (hotels, stays and circuits) prohibition decreed by government or public authorities.
The consequences of accidents or incidents that may occur during the operation of air or land transport are governed by the provisions of
3.1 Prices the Warsaw Convention or local regulations governing national transport in the country concerned.
Travel Europe underlines the fact that highway expenses and tolls are not included in the cases where land transportation is not included
in the journey’s price, i.e. when the Client organizes the land transportation themselves. 9. Errors
Travel Europe does not assume any liability for printing or typing errors, or errors in terms of content.
3.2 Sales status
An updated sales status should be forwarded to Travel Europe every two weeks from the group’s reservation. The rooming list (of +/- 10. Directory of tour operators
10%) should be communicated to Travel Europe 45 days prior the group’s arrival at the latest. From 20 persons booked, Travel Europe Travel Europe Reiseveranstaltungs GmbH is officially registered as a tour operator by the Austrian authorities. More details can be found at:
considers that the trip will take place.
3.3 Cancellation fees
In the event of a confirmed reservation, the places constitute a binding agreement and the Client accepts the following cancellation fees: We respect the private sphere and strive to adhere closely to the legal requirements for the processing of personal data (EU Regulation
No. 679/2016 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Law of 2018) We also expect from our partners that they process all personal data on
3.3.1 In the case of a cancellation of individual pre-booked places this basis. We point out that the complete information regarding the data processing in question can be called up on our website at
In case of a cancellation made more than 30 days before departure, no cancellation fees are applied, except for New Year’s Eve programs,
all services in Germany and Switzerland and for special agreements.
• If the cancellation is made 29 to 15 days before departure: 25% of the total package price © PHOTO CREDITS: GettyImages, iStock, Thinkstock / iStockphoto, Achensee Tourismus, Wolfgangseeschifffahrt / Schafbergbahn, Berni-
• If the cancellation is made 14 to 8 days before departure: 50% of the total package price na Express, Polish National Tourist Office, TVB Innsbruck, Die Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff
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