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Riga, Tallinn, Helsinki &

          St. Petersburg

          Day 1 | Riga (-/-/D)              blestone streets, and striking spires. Visit the coastal   Day 8 | St. Petersburg (B/-/-)
          Arrival at Riga airport, meeting with your tour escort,   neighborhood of Pirita and the Russalka Memorial, then   Our local guide will lead a tour through the historical
          and an orientation tour. Riga, the largest and most cos-  enjoy a walk through the charming medieval streets of   center, highlighting Nevsky Prospect and its landmarks:
          mopolitan of the Baltic capitals, has been independent   the historic center. Free afternoon. Dinner at a medieval   Anichkov, Stroganov, and Beloselsky-Belozersky Pa-
          since 1991 and is regaining its former splendor. Its his-  restaurant and overnight in Tallinn.  laces; various churches; Kazan Cathedral; the Eliseev,
          torical center is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Dinner               Singer, and Mertens buildings; and the former Winter
          and overnight in Riga.            Day 5 | Tallinn – Helsinki (B/-/D)   Palace. Stop at the House of Peter the Great, then vi-
                                            Morning at leisure. Early afternoon transfer to the fer-  sit  St.  Nicholas  Naval  Cathedral.  Enjoy  a  short  walk
          Day 2 | Riga (B/-/D)              ry port and cruise to Helsinki, the youngest capital in   through  Dostoevsky  Quarter,  visit  Kuznechny  Market
          Our morning city tour includes a visit of the Riga Cen-  the Baltic area. Helsinki is a modern and vibrant city.   and Our Lady of Vladimir Church, and view the historic
          tral Market, one of the biggest markets on the Euro-  Dinner and overnight in Helsinki.  cruiser Aurora. Finally, explore the Peter and Paul Fort-
          pean continent. We will enjoy a panoramic walking                    ress, resting place of Romanov Tsars. Overnight in St.
          tour  around  the  historical  centre,  with  its  perfectly   Day 6 | Helsinki (B/-/D)   Petersburg.
          preserved paved streets and charming medieval at-  Morning bus tour of Helsinki. See St. Michael’s Church,
          mosphere. See Riga Castle, built in 1330, one of the   the Temppeliaukio Church the Monument to Sibelius,   Day 9 | St. Petersburg (B/-/D)
          most well-preserved castles in Northern Europe, the   the famous Finnish composer. After that stop, we will   Short walk through the Palace quarter. The quarter
          Swedish Gate and Powder Tower. We will also visit the   pass the modern Finnish Opera, the National Museum,   near  the  Winter Palace,  today  the  Hermitage  mu-
          most important religious buildings in Riga: St. James’   and the Parliament of Finland before arriving at Rail-  seum, is one the oldest and most interesting in the
          Cathedral, St. John’s Church, St. Peter’s Church, and   way Square, the busiest point in the city. We will then   city. Visit to the Hermitage Museum. The magnificent
          the Dome, or Riga Cathedral. We will finish our walk in   go through Senate Square and the North Harbour to   Hermitage Museum is the most important sight in
          old market square in front of the town hall. Free after-  the Katanajokka neighbourhood with its beautiful Art   St. Petersburg, occupying the Winter Palace, former
          noon. Dinner and overnight in Riga.  Nouveau buildings and Uspenski Cathedral. Panora-  residence of the Russian tsars, and three more adja-
                                            mic walking tour of the city center of Helsinki including   cent buildings overlooking the Neva River. The Her-
          Day 3 | Riga – Tallinn (B/L/D)    visit to Helsinki Cathedral. Free afternoon. Dinner at a   mitage is Russia’s biggest museum and one of the
          Morning excursion to Sigulda, a charming town loca-  local restaurant. Overnight in Helsinki.  most important in the world. Free afternoon. Fare-
          ted in the centre of the Gauja Valley is the area’s main             well dinner at local restaurant at Podvorie. During the
          attraction. We will  admire Sigulda  New Castle and   Day 7 | Helsinki – St. Petersburg (B/-/D)  delicious dinner  surrounded  by the  wooden  decor,
          the ruins of Sigulda Old Castle, built in 1207 by the   Morning departure to St. Petersburg by coach. Stop   dancers and singers in traditional dress will perform
          Livonian Order. On the other side of the Gauja River   in Porvoo. This picturesque town is situated about 50   songs and dances, making your Russian experience
          is the village of Turaida where we will enjoy lunch at   km east of Helsinki on the Gulf of Finland. Short tour   unforgettable. Overnight in St. Petersburg.
          a local farm. Early afternoon we continue our journey   of Porvoo. Built on mud and water by Tsar Peter the
          further to Tallinn. Dinner and overnight in Tallinn.  Great in 1703, this magnificent city in northern Russia   Day 10 | St. Petersburg (departure) (B/-/-)
                                            captivates, elegant bridges and majestic granite em-  Transfer to the airport.
          Day 4 | Tallinn (B/-/D)           bankments flanking the river and canals crisscrossing
          Begin the day with a city tour of Tallinn, whose beauti-  the city. Its beauty and richness will leave you utterly
          fully restored center features old houses, narrow cob-  spellbound. Dinner and overnight in St. Petersburg.
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