Page 124 - European-Tours_2025-26
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General Sales Conditions of Travel Europe
When booking a program with Travel Europe it is assumed that the following general sales conditions have
been accepted:
has more than one airport, the departure airport will be the day of departure itself or in case of “No show”: 100% and invoice any costs incurred.
confirmed at the time of notification of flight times at the of the package price 5.2 For the B2C Client
latest. For certain particular events, e.g. New Year’s Eve, Travel A deposit of 20% of the trip’s total amount is to be paid
3.11 Luggage Europe reserves the right to ask the Client for a deposit, immediately after reservation. The rest of the sum is due
Any claim regarding loss of or damage to luggage, related which will not be refundable in case of group’s cancel- 20 days before departure at the latest. The Client’s funds
to air or land transport, must be communicated to Travel lation. Furthermore, Travel Europe reserves the right to are fully secured in accordance with an accountability
Europe or its representatives immediately. The "baggage set deadlines and/or more important cancellation fees for statement by the Austrian Hotel and Tourism Bank (Ös-
claim tag" (provided by the airline at check-in) and a copy some events and specific periods. terreichische Hotel- und Tourismusbank GmbH). Claims
of the plane ticket must be presented. Late complaints 4.4 Strikes, unpredictable events should be forwarded to the liquidator TVA-Tourismusver-
after returning from the trip cannot, under any circums- In the event of strikes, any other unpredictable event or sicherungsagentur GmbH, Baumannstr.9, A-1030 Vienna,
tances, be accepted. The total weight of luggage is limited events that cannot be influenced by Travel Europe, Travel telephone: +43 1 361 90 77-0.
to 15 kg per passenger (unless otherwise indicated). Europe will try their best to provide the services booked.
Such incidents cannot be mentioned as a reason for the 6. CHANGES
4. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS FOR PACKAGES WITHOUT cancellation of a journey by the Client. Under no circums- 6.1 Services included in a program
TRANSPORTATION (HOTELS, STAYS AND CIRCUITS) tances will Travel Europe be responsible for any caused The dates of the different excursions and night shows can
4.1 Prices damage. be modified without altering the program’s services. Travel
Travel Europe underlines the fact that highway expenses 4.5 Regulations or norms issued by official authori- Europe also informs the Client that some changes, even
and tolls are not included in the cases where land trans- ties of small importance, can occur in the services’ operation.
portation is not included in the journey’s price, i.e. when In the event of a regulation or norm issued by official aut- All services confirmed by Travel Europe will be provided.
the Client organizes the land transportation themselves. horities that would complicate considerably the entry to a Furthermore, if a program cannot be carried out because
4.2 Sales status territory (e.g. travel warnings) or increase significantly the of bad weather or major incidents, Travel Europe will ar-
An updated sales status should be forwarded to Travel price of the journey (e.g.: case where every second seat range another program, where possible.
Europe every two weeks from the group’s reservation. The should be occupied in the coach), Travel Europe reserves 6.2 Optional services
rooming list (of +/- 10%) should be communicated to Tra- the right to cancel the trip. The Client also has the right Some of the optional services offered by Travel Europe
vel Europe 45 days prior the group’s arrival at the latest. to proceed to a cancellation free of charge. Travel Europe may require a minimum number of participants (depen-
From 20 persons booked, Travel Europe considers that the will try their best to find an alternative solution, which, ding on the service). If this number is not achieved, Travel
trip will take place. however, cannot be guaranteed and is not considered eli- Europe has the right to cancel the service at short notice.
4.3 Cancellation fees gible. In the event of a cancellation due to the circumstan- 6.3 Distances (in kilometres) are only approximate in-
In the event of a confirmed reservation, the places consti- ces mentioned above, the Client will be refunded for the dications.
tute a binding agreement and the Client accepts the follo- amounts already paid.
wing cancellation fees: 7. ADMINISTRATIVE FORMALITIES
4.3.1 In the case of a cancellation of individual pre- 5. PAYMENT The Client is responsible for travelling persons’ com-
booked places All bank transfers have to be made net without any further pliance with all legal and administrative requirements
• In case of a cancellation made more than 30 days be- charges in the favor of Travel Europe. In the case where regardless of nationality. Travel Europe remains at your
fore departure, no cancellation fees are applied, except a previous trip would not have been paid in full yet, every entire disposal for any additional information required
for New Year’s Eve programs, all services in Germany and payment is credited towards the oldest debt on Travel Eu- concerning the destination countries. The price of the tour
Switzerland and for special agreements. rope’s client´s account. / stay will not be refunded, under any circumstances, in
• If the cancellation is made 29 to 15 days before de- 5.1 For the B2B Client the event of a missed departure due to non-compliance
parture: 25% of the total package price The total cost of the trip must be paid by bank transfer, with the administrative regulations or failure to provide
• If the cancellation is made 14 to 8 days before depar- whereby the amount due is credited to Travel Europe’s the required documents such as passport, visa or medical
ture: 50% of the total package price accounts a minimum of 14 days before the group’s de- certificates. Travel Europe will not be responsible for any
• If the cancellation is made 7 to 2 days before departure: parture date. costs arising from failure to comply with the legal and ad-
75% of the total package price Specific conditions for B2B reservations with flight(s): ministrative requirements in place. In the event that a par-
• If the cancellation is made 1 day before departure, the • In according to article 3.1: A deposit of 20% of the ticipant is refused entry, for any reason whatsoever, into
day of departure itself or in case of “No show”: 100% of dossier’s total amount shall be transferred at the time of the territory of one of the countries visited while travelling
the total package price reservation. The rest of the sum shall be paid 30 days with Travel Europe, the repatriation costs (for example:
4.3.2 In the case of a cancellation of a whole group, before departure. plane tickets) must be paid by the participant. Any expen-
the following fees apply: • In according to article 3.2: The dossier’s amount shall ses incurred by Travel Europe must be refunded by the
• If the cancellation is made more than 30 days before be paid 14 days before departure. Client upon presentation of the invoice.
departure of a group for which a booking status of 20 Non-compliance with the payment conditions by the
persons or more has already been sent: 25% of the total Client: 8. LEGAL BASIS
package price It is expressly agreed that these conditions are binding on Any differences, which cannot be solved by mutual agree-
• If the cancellation is made more than 30 days before Travel Europe only under the condition that full payment is ment, will exclusively be brought before the responsible
departure, for a group for which Travel Europe has not yet made by the Client by the due date. In the absence of full court in Innsbruck. Legal basis is the Austrian law.
received any rooming list or if the booking status is 19 payment by the Client under the conditions set out above,
persons or less: Travel Europe reserves the right to pass Travel Europe may no longer guarantee: 9. RESPONSIBILITY OF TRAVEL EUROPE
on the possible costs incurred. - the agreed price, and reserves the right to make any ad- The responsibility of Travel Europe cannot replace that of
• If the cancellation is made 29 to 15 days before de- justments necessary to operate the tour concerned, at the the service providers, although Travel Europe is responsi-
parture: 25 % of the total package price risk of a change in quality of the services provided. Since, ble for their selection. In the event that one of the providers
• If the cancellation is made 14 to 4 days before depar- in this case, payment conditions have not been met, there experiences a failure in the operation of the service, Travel
ture: 65 % of the total package price will be no possible recourse for the Client. Europe will do everything in its power to help the Client
• If the cancellation is made less than 3 days before de- - the execution of the tour: if the Client does not comply assert his rights for any justified claim. Travel Europe can-
parture: 80 % of the total package price with Travel Europe's payment conditions, Travel Europe not be held responsible for the non-operation or improper
• If the cancellation is made 1 day prior before departure, reserves the right to cancel any services already reserved operation of the service if the cause is attributable:
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